
Psilocybe azurescens for sale


Buy Psilocybe Azurescens Mushroom online. Psilocybe Azurescens is 30-100mm in diameter, conic to convex, expanding to broadly convex and eventually flattening with age with a pronounced, persistent broad umbo; surface smooth, viscous when moist, covered by a separable gelatinous pellicle; chestnut to ochraceous brown to caramel in color often becoming pitted with dark blue or bluish black zones, hygrophanous, fading to light straw color in drying, strongly bruising blue when damaged; margin even, sometimes irregular and eroded at maturity, slightly incurved at first, soon decurved, flattening with maturity, translucent striate and often leaving a fibrillose annular zone in the upper regions of the stem.

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Psilocybe azurescens for sale

Psilocybe azurescens for sale. Psilocybe azurescens is a kind of psychoactive mushroom that contains psilocybin and psilocin as its primary active ingredients. It is among the most powerful of the tryptamine-containing mushrooms, containing up to 1.8% psilocybin, 0.5% psilocin, and 0.4% baeocystin by dry weight, with an average of 1.1% psilocybin and 0.15 % psilocin. It belongs to the Hymenogastraceae family under the Agaricales order. Psilocybe azurescens for sale.

Psilocybe azurescens for sale

Effects of Psilocybe azurescens for sale

Alkaloid concentration of fresh psilocybin mushrooms
Name Psilocybin [% of weight] Psilocin [% of weight] Baeocystin [% of weight] Total [% of weight]
Psilocybe azurescens
Psilocybe cubensis

Description of Psilocybe azurescens for sale

  • Pileas: The cap (pileus) of Psilocybe azurescens is 3–10 cm (1.2–3.9 in) in diameter, conic to convex, expanding to broadly convex and eventually flattening with age with a prominent, persistent broad umbo; surface smooth, viscous when moist, covered with a separable gelatinous pellicle; chestnut to ochraceous brown to caramel in colour, frequently becoming pitted with dark blue or
  • Gills: The lamellae are ascending, sinuate to adnate, brown, often stained into black where injured, close, with two tiers of lamellulae, mottled, edges whitish.
  • Spore Print: The spore print is a dark purplish brown to purplish black in mass.
  • Stipe: The stipe is 9–20 centimetres (3.5–7.9 inches) long, 3–6 millimetres (0.1–0.2 inches) thick, silky white at the base or with age, hollow at maturity, and comprised of twisted, cartilaginous tissue. The base of the stipe expands downward, is often curled, and is marked by coarse white aerial mycelium tufts that are frequently tinted blue. The mycelium around the base of the stipe is densely rhizomorphic (i.e., root-like), white, and tenaciously holds the wood-chips together.
  • Taste: extremely bitter
  • Odor: odorless to farinaceous


Psilocybe azurescens for sale

Although it is feasible to produce Psilocybe azurescens indoors, maintaining ideal conditions is difficult. To begin the ball rolling, it is considerably simpler to utilise an outdoor growing kit. With the spawn all prepared, the only thing left to do for your Psilocybe azurescens mushroom garden is to choose an appropriate outdoor location. Psilocybe azurescens for sale


The secret to successfully producing Psilocybe azurescens is to recreate the environment it adores. For this, you will need a damp area of ground that is shielded from direct sunlight. It is also essential to consider the season. Psilocybe azurescens requires up to six months to fruit, and you’ll need a moist environment for the duration of this period; thus, you should consider planting your mushroom patch in January or early February.

Having determined the right area, all that remains is to create the Zamnesia Outdoor Cultivation Kit. Fortunately, we have a dedicated guide that walks you through the whole procedure in detail. We will not review the same material, but you will need the following to get started:

  • 6mm beech woodchips (10 litres)
  • Cardboard box (30 × 30 × 15cm)
  • Plastic bag

It might take up to six months to effectively develop, so resist the urge to look. The greatest results will be obtained if your Psilocybe azurescens is mostly undisturbed.

If your mushroom patch or the surrounding region begins to dry out, you will be need to intervene in the colonisation process. If this occurs, softly saturate the area with water from a garden hose to reestablish ideal conditions. Best of all, a well maintained mushroom patch may produce two to three flushes every year. Psilocybe azurescens for sale


Psilocybe azurescens for sale

Once you’ve reached the last phases of cultivation, it’s time to examine your mushrooms more closely. Only by closely scrutinising them can you determine when they are ready to be harvested. Psilocybe azurescens for sale

Here’s how to identify Psilocybe azurescens:

  • Caps are 3–10cm across
  • Mature shrooms’ caps will have a slightly convex shape with a pronounced central nipple (the umbo)
  • Colour varies somewhat from caramel to ochre (clay-like)
  • The stipe ranges from 9–20cm in length, with a thicker base covered by coarse, white hairs.

The precise time of harvest will vary based on the circumstances and local surroundings. Assuming your mushroom patch has never dried up, you may anticipate the first flush between mid-September and early December.

Here’s how to go about harvesting your flush:

  1. When mushrooms fruit, the cap opens up to reveal the gills so it can spread spores. You want to harvest just before this happens.
  2. As soon as you spot the first shrooms popping up from the substrate, you have roughly 5–12 days before they start fruiting.
  3. Pick the mushrooms that look like closed pinheads by pinching the stipe and twisting slightly while pulling upwards.

A last harvesting advice is to resist the urge to harvest the whole patch at once. You must harvest each mushroom according to the aforementioned instructions. You may save time by harvesting the whole plot at once, but yields will not be maximised.


Drying And Storing Psilocybe Azurescens

With newly harvested Psilocybe azurescens in hand, it is time to dry them. As a result of the loss of water weight, you will be able to consume less food. This is crucial for azurescens types since the increased potency is accompanied by a highly bitter taste that might induce nausea.

If you want to immediately begin using your stockpile, it will only take a few days for them to dry out. Positioning them on a tray under a fan accelerates the drying process, but they are suitable for ingestion when they seem somewhat shrivelled and feel dry to the touch.

The shelf life of dried mushrooms is around two weeks if they are stored in an airtight container. If you don’t expect to consume your whole harvest within the next few weeks, don’t panic; there are methods for preserving mushrooms for months.

To store mushrooms for a longer period of time, you will need various additional items and a little of preparation. However, if thoroughly dried, vacuum-sealed magic mushrooms may be stored for years.


How To Dose Psilocybe Azurescens

Psilocybe azurenscens dosage is a crucial concern. This kind of magic mushroom is much more potent than Psilocybe cyanescens and Psilocybe cubensis. In light of this, ingesting too much may overwhelm even the most resilient psychonauts.

It is helpful to divide the ingestion of magic mushrooms into various important categories in order to determine the optimal dosage. The first factor to examine is whether the mushrooms are fresh or dried.


Fresh mushrooms must be consumed in large quantities to have the same intensity as dried mushrooms. It is fine to consume newly harvested Psilocybe azureflora if you are pressed for time or have a strong desire to have a trip. Remember that a regular to moderate intake of fresh mushrooms for a person weighing 80 kilogrammes is around 27 grammes.


Using the same imaginary individual for our estimate of dry mushrooms, you will only need 2–3 grammes for a regular to moderate dosage. Given the bitterness and sickness associated with mushroom consumption, it is usually preferable to let your precious Psilocybe azurescens to dry up before consuming them.

Although we’ve touched briefly on what a typical to moderate dosage entails, the optimal quantity will vary from person to person depending on experience, body weight, etc. Generally speaking, a low dosage consists of 0.5–2g, a typical dose consists of 2–3.5g, and a high dose consists of 3.5–5g.


What Are The Effects Of Psilocybe Azurescens?

With your mushrooms successfully cultivated, harvested, and with the ideal dose in mind, it’s finally time to talk about the effects. If we had to use one word to sum up a Psilocybe azurescens trip, it would be “intense”. While the fundamental aspects of tripping on magic mushrooms (auditory and visual changes, distortion of time, profound euphoria) don’t change, the overall intensity does—dramatically.

How To Prepare For A Safe Psychedelic Trip?

Some experienced psychonauts have even used the term “interdimensional”, describing a Psilocybe azurescens trip like a traditional experience but at x10 speed. If you’re new to psychedelics, it’s best to avoid anything more than a low dose of Psilocybe azurescens. Hell, even if the anecdotal accounts are only partially true, seasoned magic mushroom lovers will have a tough time processing this psilocybin powerhouse.

However, with the right preparation and a knowledgeable trip sitter on hand, there’s no reason you can’t dive headfirst into the out-of-body experience provided by the illustrious Psilocybe azurescens. After all, with a six month cultivation time, why let all your hard work go to waste?.

What is the Psilocybe azurescens mushroom?

Psilocybe azurescens is a kind of psychoactive mushroom that contains psilocybin and psilocin as its primary active ingredients. Psilocybe azurescens.

Which mushrooms have the greatest quantities of psilocybin?

psilocybe subaeruginosa is the only other psilocybe mushroom with greater amounts of psilocybin that has been examined. Psilocybe azurescens is a fungus that thrives in temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Mushrooms of the Psilocybe Azurescens species Spore Syringes

How did the name psilocybin originate?

In 1995, mycologist Paul Stamets and his colleague Jochen Gartz identified and named ” Psilocybe azurescens ” after Stamets’ son Azureus, who was called after “Azure,” the colour that psilocybin mushrooms bruise when injured. Psilocybe azurescens, Pacific County, Washington, United States of America. Image from Wikimedia Commons. Psilocybe Azurescens.

How is a psilocybin mushroom identified?

Blue bruising is a key distinguishing characteristic of the genus Psilocybe; all sections of Azurescens, including the gills, bruise intensely blue or indigo-black when wounded. Learning how to obtain spore prints is also vital for correctly identifying various mushroom species.

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