
Costa Rican Magic Mushrooms


Buy Psilocybe Cubensis Costa Rica online. Costa Rican Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybe Cubensis Costa Rica) is a strain found in the jungles of Costa Rica. These shrooms grow naturally in the wild and love warm, humid tropical climate and grow at higher sea-levels. These scared magic mushrooms have been growing at the base of a highly active 7000-year-old volcano for many millennia and have been storied to be used by the local indigenous people since the beginning of time.

Our staff report that Costa Rican shrooms provide a good balance of warm visuals and spiritual experience. Expect warmth in your heart and feelings of deep love and interconnected. You can also expect some light visuals. This strain is great for looking into yourself or enjoyed together with your friends. Order Psilocybe Cubensis Costa Rica online.

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Buy Costa Rican Magic Mushrooms online.

Buy Costa Rican Magic Mushrooms online. Costa Rican Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybe Cubensis Costa Rica) are a strain that grows in Costa Rica’s rainforests. These mushrooms are found in the wild and thrive in a warm, humid, tropical environment at higher sea levels. At the foot of a 7000-year-old, very active volcano, these mystical mushrooms have been growing for many millennia, and it is said that the local indigenous people have utilized them since the beginning of time. Costa Rican Magic Mushrooms for sale.

According to our expertise, Costa Rican psychedelic mushrooms deliver a balanced combination of pleasant sights and spiritual experience. Expect to have profound sensations of love and connection in your heart. Expect some light images as well. This strain is ideal for self-reflection or social enjoyment with company. Purchase the finest Costa Rican fungi in Canada.

Costa Rican Magic Mushrooms for sale

Buy More, Save More:

  • 1 gram = $12.50
  • 3.5 grams = $39
  • 7 grams = $67
  • 14 grams = $105
  • 28 grams = $179

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  • Free Expedited Shipping on orders over $99
  • We ship world wide with tracking number
  • Discreet and vacuum sealed packaging for your privacy

Order Costa Rican Magic Mushrooms Online

Costa Rican Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybe Cubensis Costa Rica) are a strain that grows in Costa Rica’s rainforests. These mushrooms are found in the wild and thrive in a warm, humid, tropical environment at higher sea levels. At the foot of a 7000-year-old, very active volcano, these mystical mushrooms have been growing for many millennia, and it is said that the local indigenous people have utilized them since the beginning of time.

According to our expertise, Costa Rican psychedelic mushrooms deliver a balanced combination of pleasant sights and spiritual experience. Expect to have profound sensations of love and connection in your heart. Expect some light images as well. This strain is ideal for self-reflection or social enjoyment with company.

After 10 to 30 minutes of taking Costa Rican mushrooms, your mood will become euphoric and energizing. Depending on dose, visual improvements might range from minor to strong. Things may seem to be breathing, the surrounding environment will feel more alive, and you may find yourself introspecting. Music and art will seem and feel differently, and you will have a greater appreciation for them and may connect to them on a more personal level. The usual museum dosage (0.5-1.5g) and moderate dose (2-3.5g) should give 3-6 hours of trip duration.

Effects of Costa Rican Magic Mushrooms

Psilocybin often induces mood changes (mostly euphoria), changes in thought-pattern (sometimes including crucial personal or spiritual revelations), and hallucinations at larger dosages. Six to eight hours is the average duration of the effects, however prolonged highs are conceivable. In general, the various strains of Psilocybe cubensis differ solely in terms of their potency and not in terms of their effects, but some users argue that the quality of the high and the appearance of the hallucinations also vary. However, there are few precise claims about the effects of the Costa Rican strain.

Potency of Costa Rican Magic Mushrooms

According to the majority of users, the Costa Rican strain has low-potency, making it an excellent alternative for novices or microdosers. However, other users report more potent effects, perhaps due to the fact that sensitivity to psilocybin varies greatly from person to person (this is one of the reasons why dosage calculators should never be considered as anything more than a recommendation).

Note that it IS possible to have an intense experience with any psilocybin mushroom; however, you must consume more to achieve this.

Expansion of Costa Rican cubensis

It may be difficult to cultivate the Costa Rican strain since it prefers rather low temperatures. Colonization durations are lengthy, as are fruiting times, and any difficulty with growing conditions might further prolong colonization times, allowing for the possible development of contaminants.

The combination of sluggish, difficult development and low potency may be one reason why this strain is not as popular as it might be; nonetheless, for growers who successfully cultivate it, it may become a great favorite[iii]. You may cultivate magic mushrooms for Costa Rican cubensis using all the standard techniques, including PF Tek, Monotub Tek, and SGFC.

Dosage of Costa Rican Magic Mushrooms

Using the species of mushroom, whether the mushroom is fresh or dried (live mushrooms are primarily water, therefore when dried they weigh much less), the size of the user, and the desired experience of the user, an approximate dose guideline may be established.

Many individuals identify three to five dosage categories, ranging from microdose (which is just moderately mind-altering and not hallucinogenic) through novice (mildly hallucinogenic) to “heroic” doses, which induce momentary disintegration of the self, a terrible experience for those unprepared for it. All types of psilocybin mushrooms are accessible; the only difference is that low-potency varieties, such as the Costa Rican strain, need greater dosages.

Since mushroom strength may vary even within a same strain, and human sensitivity to psilocybin can vary significantly, dose calculators can never be regarded as 100 percent accurate. Always err on the side of taking too little rather than too much, since unpleasant and even deadly side-effects are more probable at greater dosages, particularly for those who are not used to them. Lemon Tek and Shroom Tea are well-liked ingestion strategies for the Costa Rican strain.

Visual Description


2-7 cm broad. Shape is hemispheric expanding to plane with age. Coloration golden brown when young, maturing to a lighter brown. Flesh bruises bluish green with damaged.


attachment adnate to adnexed. Coloration is yellowish in young age, darker with maturity. Spore production is prolific.


150-200mm long. Usually equal, sometimes slightly enlarged at the base, semi hollow. Coloration is yellowish. Flesh bruising bluish.

Microscopic features

subellipsoid on four-spored basidia.

Spore print

dark purplish brown.


MODERATE 0.25% – 0.75% ** Please note, dosage with organic matter is always in relation to a series of complex variables. **

Habitat Origin

Grows singly or in groups in the Arenal Volcano foothills in Costa Rica, Central America. Most likely more widespread, with a predisposition for tropical and subtropical climates. Due to its height of 1200 meters, it experiences milder temperatures. The Costa Rican cubensis is saprotrophic, meaning it thrives on excrement or fertilized soil. During the rainy season, cow pastures are often thriving with this plant.


Psilonauts experience a warm energy, mild visual hallucinations, euphoria, feelings of connectedness and oneness, introspective and philosophical ideas, synaesthesia, visual stimulation, and a viewpoint less affected by ego. Supposed to be a flexible strain.

Where can you get magic mushrooms in Costa Rica?

According to legend, Costa Rican magic mushrooms were discovered in the slopes around Arenal Volcano. Someone only identified as Rhino went mushroom foraging near the volcano and returned with spore prints. Buy Magic Mushrooms from Costa Rica, Magic Mushrooms online

Do hallucinogenic mushrooms exist in Costa Rica?

Don’t miss out on important Costa Rican news. Please click here. There are at least three genera of hallucinogenic mushrooms in our country: Psilocybe, Panaeolus, and Amanita. The first genus has the most species; for the other two, just one species is known.

How do Costa Rican psychedelic mushrooms feel?

This indicates that Costa Rican magic mushrooms provide full bliss and a body high that is soothing. You shouldn’t expect too much contemplation from them, but you should anticipate some very impressive sights. The Costa Rican psilocybin mushrooms are among the finest for recreational use. Buy Magic Mushrooms from Costa Rica, Magic Mushrooms online

What are the most popular recreational mushrooms?

The Costa Rican psilocybin mushrooms are among the finest for recreational use. As previously said, the absolute exhilaration produced by these mushrooms leads to limitless laughing among companions. In addition, Costa Rican magic mushrooms create a sense of openness and connection with the people and environment around you.

Additional information


1 gram, 3.5 grams, 7 grams, 14 grams, 28 grams


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